Nuggets for Encouragement from Shawn




Prayer Requests




If you listened to my radio interview then you know for 33 years after the Holy Spirit filled me and Jesus became my savior I would struggle to try and not fulfill the desires of the flesh. And yes those desire included wine women song and every horrible thing a man can do with his flesh. Then I heard a teaching on identity and it started to change my life for all of us who are just waking up who have lived a life of sin do you think that God would abandon us now that we really want Holy lives. Come on He knew it would take this long. Here is the lie. I failed again so what's the use. How about He wants me to get this and He loves me and forgives me. He will never leave me. What I learned was to stop fighting sin and start agreeing with how He sees me now that I'm in Christ. It is true that I move in power but believe me He's had to clean me up along the way. If you stare into the face of God I promise you will die. The Bible... 8/12/15 (Interview can be found here:

Let us leave the voices of our old life behind and all the reminders from those people close to us that will never allow us to become who we truly are because of our past actions. We can't afford to accept someone else's view of us no matter how many facts they present of true details of our past. If we allow this they have become God because we have allowed how they see us to become our truth and the reality of it is we've just allowed another lie to have a stronger voice than the truth. True facts followed by emotions about who we use to be are not truth. If you are a Christian there is only one truth wether it feels true of not. Every voice that doesn't line up with who God says you are needs to be thrown out. If God is who the bible says He is then you have what He says you have and ordinary people will never understand so don't waste your time trying to explain that your brand new just start living brand new through His eyes. 8/10/15

If we allow life to mold and fashion us we will look like the circumstances around us. But if in the middle of our circumstances we live in the presence of the Holy Spirit we can actually bring life to the dead life and works around us. We carry life in us. The world carries death. Anger fear worry resentment are death. You will have trials in the world but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Yes we all have persecutions and things that beat us up. But Jesus who is the way said as He was dying Father forgive them for they no not what they do. 8/6/15

I write this with the greatest compassion and understanding that a Christian can have for a brother or sister in Christ. For years I struggled with who I was in Jesus cycle after cycle of sin, repentance and more sin then repent but quite honestly with no hope of ever changing. I couldn't figure out what was wrong so I just accepted that this was the way it would be forever and ( quote) good Christians were just made that way because God loved them more. I had two problems at the time I had been living in an old dead man mentality and a sin habit. So if you've ever been there and you finally begin to see the truth and are on your way to freedom remember this there is no condemnation for those in Christ. Because I would start to renew my mind but then the other part, habit would overtake me and then I would think what a failure what a loser all those old condemning voices would come back. It's so important to be with or listen to like minded people and never give up. God will never take back His choice and He will bring to completion that work which He started in you. You must hold on to the promises in His word. I struggled with things that I was ashamed to talk about so I felt alone but God never stopped loving me. So to whoever reads this I love you too and never give up in your struggle to be free. 8/2/15

God chose us to be sons and daughters why is it so hard to believe that we can be as Jesus is. We were born again so we are fully equipped for this life. The life of God. 7/29/15

In giving up your life for the people around you sometimes God will be the only one who notices. I would be ok with that. I was reading in Corinthians this morning how Paul was telling the church how the apostles have been put on display before men and angels. They were constantly hungry persecuted they didn't have adequate clothing and were homeless. Wow and they considered themselves blessed.7/13/15

Unless you see your value and the love of God toward your life then the way you see yourself will be from a self centered point of view mixed with what people say or what they think about you and that is slavery. When we are self centered our relationship with God is based on the knowledge of ourselves instead of what He says we are. ( faith ) we live by Faith I've tried ministering out of self centeredness and self righteousness and all it produced was messiness. The devil would have us recall every dead action we have ever done to keep us so focused on our selves that it would be impossible to minister any of Gods goodness because we would believe that we are what we have done. ( Faith ) God thinks my life is worth the life of His Son. I believe it over even what my own mind try's to tell me. I am a righteous son of God period. How you see yourself is how you will live. 7/9/15

7/7/15 Why do I do this because I can I'm a son. I've prayed for people who have woken up out of comas I've seen cancers disappear so I know God can do anything and He wants too. I've also prayed for people in comas and who have had cancer and I've seen them die. I'm growing up into Him in all things and I'm just going to keep praying for everyone and everything to be healed. Everyone is worthy of the blood of Jesus. Healing is not a reward it's a sign. Jesus is our Savior and He is Lord. He will heal you even if you don't believe in Him.

Today I will serve the Lord. What does that look like. It looks like I will serve mankind. I will end poverty I will end sickness and disease and I will proclaim the good news. How will I proclaim the good news that Jesus is our savior. By healing the sick ending poverty and loving the unlovable in Jesus name. I am the light of the world. So are you. People can only see the life of Jesus through a Christian.

God is looking for people He can trust to do exactly what He wants to do. Notice the catch here, what He wants to do. Then He will take care or your wants because they matter to Him very much. The funny thing is when you start fulfilling His desire the two seem to become one. Well all except someday I would like a boat with a bedroom kitchen and bathroom. I'm sure He's working it out. My passion is telling people He's real and He loves them through signs and wonders.

Please listen to this my precious friends and my brothers and sisters in Christ. God is not mad at you. Yes , ok so you messed up so bad yesterday you drank again or you used drugs again oh and your suffering from sex addictions and you fell into that temptation or whatever else you think the worst thing possible that a human being can do. God sent His Son to die out of love. Your brand new your life is hidden in Jesus don't give up until that is your reality.

God honors His Word above His own Name. I should live my life according to that Word regardless of how I feel because I'm His son. That applies to when I fail also how does God see me then? Once I confess and repent like it never happened. So when that voice or some one else's voice says remember when you did that awful thing say no I don't and go about your business. The world wants satisfaction for the wrongs done to them. Our Father says be merciful as I am merciful.

When people come against you or your family as they will from time to time it's not sin to not associate with them. The wisdom in a situation like this is to listen to their accusations and if there's a truth in it go to your secret place and thank God for sending it through them and ask that He change that part of you. Also lift up the people who come against you and ask God to shed light on their own misunderstanding of love. It's a better way than anger arguing or seeking to justify yourself. Allow God to bring them the truth He has such a better way of doing it. God is love. You have no need to justify yourself to those who would hate you. You are already justified that's why we can love them.

You can make mistakes and still do what God wants you to do people can have a negative image of you but you can still do what God has called you to do. People can give you a hundred reasons why you can't possibly heal the sick and the devil can add some more in your head. But one day you lay your hand on someone and they are healed in Jesus name. Can you imagine if Jesus's own family actually did take charge of Him for being out of His mind. I'm so grateful He was. He knew Who He was and when you do you will look crazy too.

There is a message in every believers heart it is the message of the Fathers love for everyone born in this time that we live in. Unless we get alone with God and cultivate a personal intimate relationship with Him we will speak the words and walk in the acts and even in power but unless we become love it's all just falling short of who He is. First of all we must believe that God exists. Then we must believe if Jesus paid the price then the price has been paid. You cannot become love if your still holding guilt shame remorse or un forgiveness. If you are you can't remove it by battling you must keep declaring your right standing and continue secretly before God thanking Him for that true identity in Jesus because even though you still have the ability to sin it's not who you are. Your forgiven righteous holy and loved. So if you want to become love to the world around you then you must believe you are loved and put every other lie out of your life. This is a work of the Holy Spirit as we declare truth He is attracted to the familiar fragrance that truth gives off Jesus.

No matter what is happening in your life today God never changes. His desire for everything in your life can be found in the sending of Jesus for your redemption that is how valuable to God you are. The devil will try to do anything and everything to talk you out of Gods love even Jesus sacrifice on the cross can't apply to you because of your sin habit. It's all a lie. Jesus blood is enough once you see how God loves you your ability to sin will stop. Let Him potter your heart in His great love. Don't ever think of your failings again put all your thoughts and energy into what He says about you. You are amazing to God. So worth the blood of His son. Have a great day.

God is waiting for you to figure out that your a co-laborer with Christ. You are indeed the word made flesh. Jesus said ask the Father anything in my name and He will do it. Jesus Himself said all power and authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore!!! There it is you've been commissioned and given everything that Jesus has received. Heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons preach the Gospel. God cannot lie just believe that He spoke this for you and it will manifest.

I'm finding the more in love I am with God the more I love me. The more I love me then the more I can love you. I find that so much healing happens on the days I love people the most. Faith works through love then this would make sense.